Supporting ambitious & effective adaptation

Within the next decade, the world is likely to breach the 1.5°C warming threshold established under the Paris Agreement as a guardrail to ‘prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.’ Under current policies and actions, climate models suggest a warming of more that 2°C sometime in the middle of the century, approaching 3°C towards the end of the century (or around 2°C if current emissions pledges and targets become reality).  All this assumes that today’s climate models are good representations of the real climate system, and that there are no surprises.

Whatever action we take on greenhouse gas emissions, we are now committed to a level of warming that will have significant, and in many places profound impacts on water availability, food production, ecosystems, hydrological regimes, disaster risk, health, and a host of other factors that are critical for human and ecological wellbeing.

Our mission at Garama 3C is to help people and organisations navigate climate change risks and impacts through ambitious, effective, and just adaptation. Our consultancy and training services support national and local governments, communities, businesses, and other actors to design and implement adaptation and resilience frameworks, strategies, plans and actions. We take a pragmatic approach to adaptation and resilience that combines ambition and practicality, tailoring our support to our clients’ needs, priorities and contexts. We recognise that climate change is one of many challenges facing the world today, and that it interacts in complex ways with other environmental, social, economic, technological and demographic trends.

Garama has been supporting governments, organisations and communities to respond and adapt to climate change since 2012. Our clients have included governments in Africa, Asia and Europe, multilateral development banks and other international organisations, development agencies, research bodies, NGOs, charities, and the private sector. Our work has included climate change risk assessments, support for the development of national climate change plans, the development of monitoring and evaluation frameworks and systems for tracking adaptation performance, support to donor-funded adaptation and resilience programs, the delivery of bespoke adaptation training to diverse audiences, evaluations of specific initiatives, and the preparation of research reports and academic papers.

For more information on our work and services, please use the navigation bar above. Please feel free to contact us about your adaptation and resilience needs, and to discuss how we can help.